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Fergie under fire over orphanage scandal

The former Duchess of York is accused of failing to fulfil her promises to Romania’s poor…

Sarah Ferguson has come under fire for failing to come up with the $617,000 she promised to help establish a health care centre for women in the Romanian town of Tinca.

Her pledge was made last year on an ITV documentary. The program, A Tonight Special — Duchess and Daughters: Their Secret Mission, aired in the UK in November, and saw Fergie, Beatrice and Eugenie highlight the plight of abandoned children across Eastern Europe, including the appalling conditions of state-run orphanages in Romania and Turkey.

During a visit to poverty-stricken Tinca, Fergie vowed to raise funds to equip and staff a medical centre.

Charity organisation Romanian Relief had enough funds to construct the building’s shell, but needed more money to make the clinic operational.

“I knew I had to find a solution. I couldn’t have gone with you and seen abhorrent sights and not back it up,” Fergie told ITV presenter Chris Rogers, who travelled with her. “I am not that sort of person. I am absolutely adamant about it. You cannot make false promises.”

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