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Ernie Dingo’s wife: We have “an understanding” about our marriage

Ernie Dingo's wife says they have "an understanding" about their marriage

TV star Ernie Dingo has been accused of cheating on his wife in a series of damning reports. Now Sally Dingo, his wife of 21 years, writes exclusively for Woman’s Day about their unique marriage deal.

My husband Ernie Dingo first came to notice on television for his naturalness, and the ease with which he presented himself. He was a breath of fresh air.

He is still all that. But I know him to be much more, a complex man – one who has flashes of genius, who is overly generous with his time, is incredibly gifted, endearing and whose rationality takes your breath away.

And yet, he can be infuriating and irrational, and at other times act with utter stupidity, and can then become preoccupied and hide away to recuperate.

But in all these qualities he is not alone. All of it applies in some way to nearly every person. To me, Ernie is summed up in this quote from the Life of Brian, “He’s not the Messiah. He’s just a naughty boy.”

A recent example is when Ernie was asked to bring in some wood for the fire. He thought it easier to cart the wood in one load in the wheelbarrow into the living room, over the carpet.

When discovered, he stood with hands outstretched in confusion, like a character from The Castle, saying “What? What’d I do?” All of which shows he doesn’t always make great decisions. But most of the time, he does.

To read Sally Dingo’s full story, where she talks about their separate lives under the same roof and providing a loving environment for their children, see this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale June 7, 2010.

Location: InterContinental Melbourne The Rialto. Visit www.intercontinental.com.

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