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Eric Dane’s steamy scandal

His Grey’s Anatomy character is dubbed McSteamy … now the actor is living up to the name Jackie Brygel reports.

Eric Dane’s career is on the line after a video surfaced of him engaging in a naked romp with his actress wife Rebecca Gayheart and one-time Miss United States Teen-turned-Hollywood madam, Kari Ann Peniche.

With the nude trio appearing glassy-eyed, Rebecca at one point says she needs to lie down because she’s “very high”.

They even discuss what they’d be called if they were erotic film stars, with Eric suggesting “Cocaine Manor” for himself.

The trio are shown reclining nude on Kari Ann’s bed, before the two women share a bath — all while a leering Eric films and comments on their bodies.

“You gotta be two of the hottest girls this side of Mulholland [Drive],” he says, “and I’ve seen some hot girls.”

The actor — who recently revealed that he and Rebecca were hoping to start a family soon — is threatening to sue over the tape. But oddly, he insists it is not a sex video.

“Although the participants are nude, the tape is not a sex tape,” says Eric’s lawyer Marty Singer. “This is simply a private, consensual moment involving a married couple, shot several years ago and never intended to be seen by the public.”

As the scandal broke, Grey’s Anatomy creator Shonda Rhimes gave her cast and crew a pep talk, advising them to “focus on the work”. But show insiders say things have been “awkward” on set ever since.

While one source claims it was Kari Ann who leaked the tape as a publicity stunt ahead of her appearance on reality TV show Celebrity Rehab With Dr Drew: Sex Addiction, she insists this isn’t the case.

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