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Elin wants to stay with Tiger for kids’ sake

Tiger and Elin

It seems that although the troublesome Tiger Woods has been linked to more than 13 mistresses, wife Elin Nordegren is keen to make their marriage work for the sake of the couple’s children.

A source from Florida told People magazine that Elin wanted to stay with cheating Tiger because of the couple’s two young children, two-year-old Sam and 11-month-old Charlie.

“Elin wants a solid family life,” the unnamed source told the magazine.

“She was a child of divorce and felt her dad slighted her. She absolutely does not want that to happen to Sam and Charlie. So she wants to keep her family together even if she and Tiger live together as friends instead of lovers.”

Elin demonstrated just how much she wants their marriage to work after she reportedly visited Tiger during his therapy at the Pine Grove addiction clinic in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, taking part in their “Gentle Path” program.

Elin is not the only one concerned about her two children. Tiger is also keen to work towards repairing the couple’s marriage for the sake of the children, the source told the magazine.

Your say: Is Elin doing the right thing by working things out with Tiger? Share your thoughts below.

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