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Drink-drive in Canada, listen to Nickelback as punishment

“How the hell did we wind up like this?!”
Nickelback in 1990.

If people weren’t already aware of the dangers of drink-driving, Canada has news for you: failure to designate a sober driver means that you not only risk your life (and those around you), but you also run the chance of having to listen to Nickelback tunes “in the cruiser on the way to jail” too.

In a hilarious Facebook post, which has since been taken down, the Kensington Police Service warned that those people who drink and drive during the holiday season will face criminal charges and have to listen to the Canadian band’s “Silver Side up” album.

“When we catch you, and we will catch you,” the post read, “on top of a hefty fine, a criminal charge and a year’s driving suspension, we will also provide you with a bonus gift of playing the office’s copy of Nickelback in the cruiser on the way to jail.”

“Now, now, no need to thank us,” it continued, “we figure if you are foolish enough to get behind the wheel after drinking then a little Chad Kroeger and the boys is the perfect gift for you.”

“So please, let’s not ruin a perfectly good unopened copy of Nickelback. You don’t drink and drive and we won’t make you listen to it.”

Nickelback frontman Chad Kroeger, 42, married Sk8tr Girl Avril Lavigne, 32, back in 2013.

The pair met in March 2012, took some time apart in September 2015, and got back together in February of this year… Phew!

Speaking to CBC, the man who cleared the post, Constable Robb Hartlen, says it was all supposed to be a bit of a fun.

“What it does is it sparks that conversation, it pushes that idea that everybody knows with a little bit of humour,” Harten said.

Chad certainly has something to sing about now!

Nickelback formed in Hanna, Canada in the nineties. Since their inception, they have copped worldwide flak – and no-one can really explain why.

Well, that was until, earlier this year when Finnish university student Salli Anttonen compiled 14 years’ worth of stories published in Finland to figure out why people hate Nickelback and when did the hatred start.

“Nickelback is too much of everything to be enough of something,” Anttonen wrote in her study, as reported by Us Weekly.

“They follow genre expectations too well, which is seen as empty imitation, but also not well enough, which is read as commercial tactics and as a lack of a stable and sincere identity.”

Ouch – sorry, Chad…

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