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Did Shane Warne and Liz Hurley break up?

After three years of sharing their every kiss on social media Shane Warne and Liz Hurley have asked for privacy. Zoe Arnold asks whether the first step is logging off Twitter.
Shane Warne and Liz Hurley in July.

After three years of sharing their every kiss on social media Shane Warne and Liz Hurley have asked for privacy. Zoe Arnold asks whether the first step is logging off Twitter.

To tweet or not to tweet, that is the question? Whether it is nobler to keep one’s business private, or share every moment online?

Shane Warne and Liz Hurley have gone quiet on twitter … ergo they’ve broken up.

Or so the theory goes.

For the uninitiated, Twitter is 2013’s answer to a text message … except everyone in the world can read it. You write whatever’s on your mind (in 140 characters or less), click, and boom!, it’s in cyberspace.

What happens next? Not a whole lot if you’re not famous. If you’re Shane or Liz? Well, your combined 1.7million followers hang on every word.

Since the beginning of their relationship three years ago, social media has been awash with Shurley’s love for one another.

It began with flirty tweets to each other like this one, from Liz to Shane: “Sammy [her spaniel] sends you a special lick and says he’d like to put his silky head on your shoulder.”

They went on to confirm their relationship with one another on the micro-blogging site, while admitting they had separated from their exes.

They each post sweet photos of each other at posh race days or on red carpet events, and Liz gave us a catalogue of no fewer than five close-up snogging pics a few short months ago.

They’ve been in Australia, England, Scotland, India, the USA … beaming their love for one another across the planet.

It’s all been very, very public.

Shurley’s millions of followers are an astute bunch, and last week realised Liz had missed Shane’s birthday. Well, at least on Twitter, anyway.

No tweet, no declaration of love, no cutesy photo of the pair with their perma-tanned skin and luminescent smiles.

A day or so later, Liz stepped out without her giant sapphire engagement ring and the Twittersphere really went into meltdown.

Warnie has pleaded for privacy, which certainly everyone is entitled to, but it’s a tough ask when literally millions of people are following you virtually.

Oversharing is all well and good, until you don’t want to anymore.

Turns out all the kids are tweeting, or not tweeting, when they call it quits on their current beau.

Everyone’s favourite bottom gyrator, Miley Cyrus, “unfollowed” her ex-fiancé before officially announcing their separation … meaning the media world announced their news before they could.

It all seems unnecessarily … public.

Shane and Liz seem like a nice enough couple, and hopefully for the sake of their four combined children (and that beautiful engagement ring), they will work it out.

And if they do? Maybe they should keep it, and their 140 characters, to themselves.

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