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Comedian Denise Scott reflects on shock her breast cancer diagnosis

''I want to get well.''
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Australian comedian Denise Scott has shared that she has been diagnosed with breast cancer.

“I didn’t know where to put my concerns.”

(Image: Instagram)

Speaking to Australian Women’s Weekly, the 68-year-old revealed that she had been diagnosed roughly six months ago during the production of her latest television venture, Mother and Son.

“It was all just a shock…I didn’t know where to put my concerns. I saw a surgeon and I said, ‘I can’t do any of this. I’m going to Sydney to film, Scott shared.

Despite over two years of pre-production, the comedian was told that she would need to halt her involvement in the reboot to receive urgent chemotherapy treatment due to her the aggressive nature of her particular cancer.

“I was thinking, I don’t want to shut this whole production down, and I was also thinking, I want to live!” she told Australian Women’s Weekly.

Scott had recently been on tour with friend and fellow comedian Judith Lucy.

(Image: Instagram)

Following her diagnosis, Scott moved from Melbourne to Sydney alongside her partner John Lane, with Denise making the decision that she would continue to work on the production; often working 12-hour days to compensate for the time taken off for ongoing treatments and recovery.

As she looks to the future, Scott reflects on her prognosis with her signature self-deprecating wit, stating, “I thought I would be a terrific person in my own health crisis. I thought I would be one of those people who is upbeat, positive, taking it on the chin, never complains. Oh no. I complained to John all the time.”

Denise and John have been together for 43 years.

(Image: Getty)

Speaking on his partner’s journey with breast cancer, John shared a heartfelt tribute to Denise, telling Australian Women’s Weekly, “She’s never lost her sense of humour through any of this. I’ve always loved her laugh, and the way she makes me laugh, and makes everyone in Australia laugh. I’m looking forward to her getting her mojo back.”

Scott also shared the bittersweet silver lining that she has found since her diagnosis, stating that she had uncovered that her work in comedy had been her driving factor for many years however, it had also limited her ability to spend time on other important areas of her life.

“I want to see more of my grandson. I want to do some gardening. I want to travel. I want to keep doing comedy and writing too of course. But first, I want to get well.”

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