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Demi’s jealous outburst over Ashton’s onset romance

The star is keeping her hubby on a tight leash following his steamy scenes with Katherine Heigl…

A jealous Demi Moore has rushed to the set of husband Ashton Kutcher’s new movie in France, fearing his onscreen chemistry with female co-star Katherine Heigl will spill into real life.

Demi — who, at 46, is 16 years older than Katherine — wasted no time making her way to the Five Killers set, where insiders say she’s been keeping a close eye on Ashton since he gushed about the stunning Grey’s Anatomy star on Twitter.

In a post on the social networking site last week, Ashton playfully revealed his fondness for Katherine, sending Demi into a jealous tailspin.

“Hanging with Katie Heigl. Cool Kat,” Ashton wrote last week. “We are bonding over mutual admiration for P. Swayze in Dirty Dancing. Nobody puts Baby in the corner!”

While Ashton’s comments appear innocent, insiders say that his intense on-screen chemistry with his latest co-star has inflamed his wife’s long-held insecurities.

“Demi is obsessed with the idea that Ashton might stray,” a friend previously told American magazine Star.

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