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David Bowie’s ex-wife’s explosive claims

Angie Bowie reveals her relationship with David was drug-fuelled and volatile.
David and Angie Bowie

David Bowie’s ex-wife has revealed that the Starman legend once tried to strangle her with his bare hands in a cocaine fuelled rage reports news.com.

The fight broke out after Angie snapped at Bowie’s assistant

She told The Sun on Sunday: “It was awful. We were in a house that Corinne had found for us, in a dark hollow in Los Angeles.

“David was high. I questioned Corinne rather sharply about the amount of baggage she had assembled for a trip to Jamaica, where David was going to record.

“She snapped at me, so I snapped back at her: ‘Don’t you dare talk to me like that.’ Suddenly David hurtled across the room.

“He grabbed my throat with both hands and started squeezing. He was blindly angry, yelling at me as he tightened his grip, and I started panicking.

“It didn’t feel as if he was going to stop. Corinne pulled him off and saved me. So it’s possible that I owe her my life. The fact that she did save me must have p***ed her off afterwards.

“I’m sure she would have rather let him go on and do it but she must have known she would have to deal with the consequences.

“It was an awful thing to happen. I hate the thought of it.”

David and Angie met when she was just 19, and then they married in 1970 despite his growing cocaine addiction.

The pair remained together for 10 years but Angie claims that David was never faithful to her, even after their son Zowie was born.

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