If ever there was a family who deserved joy and happiness in their lives, it’s Queensland’s Morcombe family. Twelve years ago Daniel, the then 12-year-old son of Denise and Bruce Morcombe disappeared from a bus stop near his home in December 2003 while on a shopping trip to buy Christmas presents for his family.
While that soul-scarring event changed the Morcombe’s life like no other, another event has now breathed new life into their existence – the birth of a baby son, Winston Daniel George Morcombe, to Daniel’s twin brother Brad and his wife Anna.
“He’s simply the most gorgeous little boy, isn’t he?” says Denise. “He’s such a perfect little man. Holding him like this reminds me so much of when our twin boys Daniel and Brad were born. There’s always so much hope and promise around the birth of a baby.”
Winston’s birth followed a miscarriage for Anna this time last year. But after that heartbreak, Brad and Anna – who have known each other since high school and were married in 2014 – were thrilled when they became pregnant again within two months.
The baby boy was born on July 23, by caesarean section weighing a healthy 3.5 kilograms. “I was crying, tears flowing down my face, before we even got Anna into surgery,” recalls Brad. “It was such an emotional moment for both of us. It was like a dream. ”
To see the photographs of Winston Daniel Morcombe and his family and to read the full story of the Morcombe family’s reaction, buy the October edition of The Australian Women’s Weekly, out Thursday.