Add a touch of elegance to hats, scarves and haircombs with gorgeous roses.
You will need:
wire-edged ribbon (1m of pink for rose, 50cm of green for petals)
wire pliers
invisible thread
10cm x 20cm of canvas
haircomb or brooch back
- Decide which edge of ribbon is to be the “outer” edge of the flower and position it at top. Grasp wire at one end of other (“inner”) edge of ribbon with pliers and pull to about 5cm length. Roll the ribbon with 5mm folds about eight times and curl the wire around the bottom of the ribbon roll to secure it and form flower centre.
- Using pliers, pull up the wire at the other end of the ribbon along the same edge as before, to create gathers. Gather the ribbon until it is about 40cm long.
- Hold the centre part of the flower and roll the ribbon around it to create a ruffled effect. Make small pleats in the ribbon as you roll it to create extra fullness. Thread needle with invisible thread and begin stitching the ribbon from the centre across the base of the flower to secure all the layers of ribbon petals.
- To make the leaves, cut three lengths of ribbon 12cm long and determine which edge is to be the “outer” edge, as before. Fold the ribbon just off centre on both sides to form a petal shape. Stitch across the lower edge of ribbon, through all thicknesses, to secure the folds. Pull up gathers and secure with stitching.
- Arrange leaves on canvas, then place the rose over the leaves. Stitch the leaves then the flower in place on the canvas. Trim the canvas so it is not visible. Glue the canvas in place on a haircomb or glue a brooch back to the canvas and pin the flower on a scarf or hat.