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Coming out for love: Magda’s proudest day

Coming out for love: Magda's proudest day

It was no secret in showbiz circles that Magda Szubanski is gay, but publicly she kept mum – until the gay marriage debate inspired her one-woman crusade.

The decision to “out” herself could not have come easily to Madga Szubanski. It was a secret she seemed determined to keep to herself, often laughing off or deflecting questions about her private life in interviews, while at the same time opening up about the benefits of therapy, and sharing her weight loss journey with Australia – as the country got right behind her.

But the fierce debate over marriage equality finally inspired Magda, 50, to “come out” to her fans and the wider community, to encourage other Aussies to support the Australians for Marriage Equality campaign to legalise same-sex marriage, in a fight that she feels very strongly about.

“I am 1000 per cent in favour of gay marriage,” Magda says. “We pay taxes, fight wars for this country, nurse you when you are sick, make you laugh, sing and dance for you, play netball for you, star in your movies, cook your meals, decorate your store window. And the chances are gay people designed whatever it is you’re wearing!”

Her public declaration about her sexuality comes after some huge changes in Magda’s life, including the loss of her father and her increased public profile on the back of her amazing four-year weight loss journey. As the weight dropped off – 35kg to date – Magda seemed to blossom.

Read more about Magda’s mission for same-sex marriage in our special tribute issue to Whitney Houston in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Friday February 17, 2012.

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