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Chrissie Swan’s excitement: I can’t wait to meet my baby!

Rebecca Gibney: Why I put on 20 kilos

With days to go until the birth, The Circle star tells about an unexpected side effect.

Like most pregnant women, Chrissie Swan is positively glowing right now. But there’s another reason The Circle co-host can’t stop smiling. While she’s been excitedly counting down the days until she welcomes her much longed-for second child into the world, something rather unexpected has taken place… and it’s a development the popular TV star couldn’t be happier about.

Having waged a very public battle with her weight over the past 18 months, Chrissie has discovered that after piling on around 50kg during her first pregnancy with son Leo, now two-and-a-half, this time she has actually “lost” up to 3kg. “I’ve put on four kilos all up, but the obstetrician tells me that the baby, the placenta and amniotic fluid would be around six or seven kilos, so I have lost a few kilos,” an elated Chrissie, 37, explains.

“It’s just been a bonus of eating well, exercising moderately and doing everything I can to make sure the baby is healthy. “It is incredible and it’s such a relief, I can’t tell you. I’m pregnant and keeping the weight off. And it’s been a breeze. And because I’ve lost the weight, I’ve had no blood pressure issues, no health problems – nothing. “I have photos of me just before delivery with Leo and I just looked fatter, but this time around, I have a baby bump and feel pregnant, and that’s really nice. I do feel womanly.”

Chrissie concedes she was eating “like something out of a Hollywood movie” during her first pregnancy. Butter chicken curry and pasta carbonara were frequently on the menu, along with just about anything else the bubbly star could lay her hands on. She quickly found herself ballooning to a size 30. “I was really putting it away,” Chrissie says. “At the time, I was working in breakfast radio, so I was tired and starving. That added up to a dire situation, but the thing is, I didn’t realise how dire until I got to the hospital to have Leo and they weighed me there.

Read more about Chrissie Swan’s pregnancy and weight lss success in this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale July 25, 2011.

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