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Chrissie Swan: I’m pregnant at last!

Chrissie Swan: I'm pregnant at last!

The Circle host put on almost 50kg with her first pregnancy but this time round, she’s determined not to make the same mistakes..

Chrissie Swan started her Jenny Craig journey to make conceiving her much-longed-for second baby easier. The aim was to shift a bit of weight, get healthy and, fingers crossed, within a year she’d be on her way to welcoming a new addition to the family.

“And it’s worked!” Chrissie smiles. “I can’t believe how quickly it’s happened!” Advised by her doctor that it may take some time to fall pregnant, 37-year-old Chrissie went off the Pill late last year, not really thinking anything would happen too speedily.

“I started trying to calculate my cycle. I waited for the first day of my second period, and 28 days came and went,” she explains. “Then 30 days, 35 days, and I’m thinking, ‘Maybe I’ve got a long cycle!’ It got to 47 days, and I’m thinking, ‘This is very unusual…’” Clearly it was time for that pregnancy test.

“But it was negative!” Chrissie laughs. “So I thought, ‘It must be the Pill’.” A week and another pregnancy test later, things were still no clearer.

“Then, finally, there was a really faint line on the strip and I thought, ‘Oh my goodness’,” Chrissie chuckles. It was really happening – and Chrissie and her partner Chris, aka Chippie, hadn’t even had time to prepare.

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