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Chrissie Swan fights back: I won’t be bullied

Chrissie Swan fights back: I won't be bullied

The Circle’s presenter is still surprised after receiving three Logie nominations. Now, as Clare Rigden finds, if people would stop having a go, she could sit back and enjoy it.

When Chrissie Swan arrived at last week’s TV Week Logie Awards Nominations event in Sydney, her head was already spinning. She had an inkling she may be nominated for one award. But three? And one for the Gold Logie? She was just about ready to fall over.

“It’s the most unexpected thing you could imagine – just crazy!” admits Chrissie, 37.

“I thought I was in Sydney to accept a Most Popular Newcomer nomination. But before the big announcement, we had a photo shoot. [Fellow Gold Logie nominees] Adam Hills and Rebecca Gibney were there, and they had all these little Gold Logie props, and I was like, ‘Are you for real? You can’t be serious…’”

But they were. And not only did The Circle’s presenter hear her name being called in the Most Popular Newcomer category, she also picked up nominations for Most Popular Presenter and the coveted Gold Logie.

“It was such a surreal moment,” she says. “All these amazing names were being read out – and then mine. All these celebrities – and me. I felt like I’d walked in off the street. Like I should have grabbed a tray of drinks and made myself useful! But it was just beautiful.”

Despite Chrissie’s joy, as news of her nominations spread, things started to turn a little sour. Talk-back radio and the internet were full of people questioning whether Chrissie – who had been on air just one year with The Circle and was, in their eyes, a TV newcomer and “nobody” – should have been nominated for television’s highest accolade.

Even Eddie McGuire weighed in on the debate, using his Triple M radio show in Melbourne as a platform to attack the Logies voting process – and Chrissie personally.

“You know when you vote for the dumb kid in the class to be the class captain just to gee up the teachers? We don’t want to get that going,” he said, referring to her nomination. Others on social networking forums such as Twitter and Facebook weren’t so polite. Chrissie remains philosophical.

Does Chrissie deserve three Logie nominations? Tell us below.

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