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Chelsea Clinton gives birth to a baby girl

Fromer US president Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are grandparents.
Chelsea Clinton

Former US president Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are grandparents.

Their daughter Chelsea has given birth to a baby girl – Charlotte.

Ms Clinton, 34, announced the arrival of her daughter with husband Marc Mezvinsky on Saturday via Twitter.

“Marc and I are full of love, awe and gratitude as we celebrate the birth of our daughter, Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky,” she posted.

At 7:03 PM on September 26th, we finally met Charlotte. We’re in love. pic.twitter.com/9ZCkoa6BPU

In a statement released Saturday, the proud new grandparents Bill and Hillary said: “Chelsea is well and glowing. Marc is bursting with pride. Charlotte’s life is off to a good start.”

Marc and I are full of love, awe and gratitude as we celebrate the birth of our daughter, Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky.

The baby’s arrival comes as Mrs Clinton deliberates her political future and if she will make a run for president in 2016. She has said in the past she did not want to make a decision about a campaign until after the birth.

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