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Catriona: The baby I thought I’d never have

By Leigh Reinhold

Pictures: Cameron Bloom

Catriona Rowntree is excited about her looming arrival, but worries she may give birth on the side of the road!

Radiant, seven-months-pregnant Catriona Rowntree lets out an excited squeal as she sweeps into the lavish baby shower being held in her honour.

“It’s absolutely perfect,” the happy TV star tells her guests — including Woman’s Day — as she sees the gorgeous mumsy spread of pink and blue lollies, and cupcakes piled high on a silver salver, put on for her by friends and family.

The shower, at a stunning house overlooking Sydney’s Bungan Beach, was made even more poignant by Catriona’s admission that for a long time she feared she might never experience this moment. “There was certainly a time when I didn’t think motherhood was going to be on the cards for me,” she says. “When I broke up with [now husband] James for a year, I thought, OK, if it’s not in my destiny, then so be it.”

But then her luck changed: she and James reunited, married and are now starting the next chapter of their lives.

“All I know is that good things do come to those who wait, and I’ve sure had to wait for this one,” she says. “There must be a grand plan for each of us.”

Catriona, 37, says this is exactly the right time for her and her grazier husband James Pettit to take their next step. After 15 years criss-crossing the globe, TV’s favourite travel reporter has now been “overwhelmed” by a desire to nest.

With just under two months until her baby is due, Catriona is hoping a smooth delivery in a country hospital is also part of the plan. The rural Victorian property she and husband James share is an hour’s drive from the nearest hospital, and Catriona is filled with worry that she may deliver on the side of the road! Combine this with the fact she was a premature baby herself, and she seems to have some reason for concern.

“We’re an hour’s drive from the hospital and I am a bit worried about that. What if the baby wants to come quickly?” Catriona asks her guests.

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