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Catriona Rowntree exclusive: My baby surprise

By Angela Mollard

Pictures: David Hahn

The TV star reveals her joy at falling pregnant so quickly, and how this could be the first of six kids.

Catriona Rowntree had been warned about the difficulties of getting pregnant, so when her 95-year-old nan advised her to “get a wriggle on” she promptly obeyed.

What she and her husband James Pettit didn’t expect, however, was to fall pregnant on virtually their first try.

“I feel so blessed because it happened very quickly,” says the mum-to-be. “Everyone said it could take a year and be prepared to wait but we’ve been incredibly fortunate.”

In fact, so enchanted is the Getaway presenter with her baby bump and her husband that she told Woman’s Day exclusively she is considering having a huge brood.

“In a perfect world I would have six children,” she laughs, “We have a large home and we’ve got all these rooms to fill, plus James needs help on the farm. But we’ll be happy with whatever we’re given.”

The couple, who will celebrate their first wedding anniversary next month, were thrilled when they discovered last November that they were expecting.

“When James and I got back from our honeymoon I rang my nan and told her I was ready to rock and roll, but she advised me to make the most of this time with James because life is never the same after you have children. Then six months later she told me to get a wriggle on because I wasn’t getting any younger!”

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