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EXCLUSIVE: Carrie Bickmore reveals how she’s been adapting to the coronavirus on The Project and at home

The TV WEEK Gold Logie Winner explains why we need to be honest now more than ever.
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The motto of panel show The Project has long been “news delivered differently”.

But thanks to the global pandemic, nobody could predict just how differently that news would have to be delivered in recent times.

Fans of the show have come to love seeing international guests and local acts joining presenters Carrie Bickmore, Waleed Aly and Peter Helliar at the desk each night.

However, the reality of filming now means the trio have to sit two metres apart and must interview any guest via video link.

The Project is looking a little different these days.

(Image: Network Ten)

Despite the show looking different, Carrie tells TV WEEK the team are working harder than ever to bring a balance of facts and an outlet for people to laugh as well.

“I’ve had so many messages from people saying it’s a comfort having us on their screens each night,” Carrie says.

“I turn to Pete and say, ‘Thank you for being you and bringing the lighter moments when we need them.'”

The journalist of 20 years says she knows of people losing their jobs daily, and that while her work conditions might have become more difficult, she feels she’s one of the lucky ones.

“I feel so fortunate I have a job, and to have this opportunity to unpack all of this, because, believe me, I’m just as confused by it all,” Carrie says.

Carrie with her co-hosts Peter Helliar and Waleed Aly.

(Image: Network Ten)

Despite being on television with perfect hair and make-up, Carrie, 39, doesn’t want anyone to think she’s finding this an easy time.

Having three kids – Ollie, 12, Evie, four, and Adelaide, one – and a partner at home full-time creates the same chaos many families have.

“There have been some wonderful parts about it, where we’ve had family time that we never normally get because our life is so jam-packed, but I don’t want to paint it with rose-coloured glasses,” Carrie admits.

Carrie Bickmore’s daughter Addie messes up her bookshelf. Story continues after video…

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The photos on her Instagram page will reveal a house with crayons all over the floor, and kids running around inside.

“We’re certainly not at the point where we’re just sitting doing crafts and baking,” Carrie says with a laugh.

“I’m typing emails with a one-year-old on my lap, or I’m having a Zoom meeting with my four-year-old braiding my hair.

“I take my hat off to any parent working with kids at home – it’s so bloody hard!”

While some celebrities might shy away from the hardships of this new normal, Carrie is happy to be open about every emotion she’s feeling – good or bad.

“Instagram can be a hard place for people to look at, but I think now is a chance for people to show the range of emotions we’re all going through,,” she says.

“It should be a place where we can find comfort and realise we’re not alone.”

Carrie with partner Chris and kids Ollie, Evie and Addie.

(Image: Instagram @chriswalkertv)

The 2015 Gold Logie winner went viral a few weeks ago when she posted a snap of her grey hairs coming through.

“I know I benefit when people post things like that, so if I see a shot of myself and find it funny, maybe other people will as well,” Carrie says, adding that sharing a laugh with family and friends is what she’s missing most.

“I’m so thankful I have young kids to keep you company,” she says.

“Chris and I have each other to talk to, and I realise not a lot of people have that, but at the same time, we’re very social people. We both miss having that connection with our family and friends.”

Carrie keeps it real on her Instagram account.

(Image: Instagram @bickmorecarrie)

“Chris and I have each other to talk to, and I realise not a lot of people have that.”

(Image: Instagram @bickmorecarrie)

Ever the optimist, Carrie says she’s already planning to have a big party once the world returns to normal.

Not only will she be celebrating a world where you can hug your friend or have a coffee in person, but she’ll be turning the big 4-0 in December.

“Will it be over by then?” Carrie asks with a laugh.

“I would love to have a party – just so we can all have something to look forward to.”

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