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Brynne Edelsten: I’m having the time of my life

Brynne Edelsten: I'm having the time of my life

Things just keep getting better for the popular Dancing With The Stars contestant, who’s winning legions of fans and dreaming about motherhood.

Ever since she first touched down in Australia three and a half years ago, it’s seems everyone’s had an opinion about Brynne Edelsten. There were those who disapproved of the 40-year age gap between her and then-boyfriend, Dr Geoffrey Edelsten, 68. Then came the nasty comments directed towards her choice of fashion, starting when she wore a sparkly bra to the 2009 Brownlow Medal, and becoming more relentless with every red-carpet appearance.

Then, of course, there was her $3 million wedding to Geoff, complete with hired Hollywood stars, circus performers, and over-the-top merrymaking. Suddenly it seemed Brynne, 28, was public property. And everyone had something to say. But there’s a change in the air when Woman’s Day arrives at Brynne’s inner-city Melbourne 18th-floor apartment, a space she shares with her entrepreneur husband.

“This is the best time of my whole life,” says Brynne, marvelling at how much her life has transformed since setting foot on the Dancing With The Stars dance floor a month before. “I did the show because I wanted to be known as more than just ‘Geoff’s wife’. Up until now, everything I’ve done, I’ve done with him. And this is something I’m doing on my own.”

And she reveals her next major project may be becoming a mum. “I hope so, yes,” she says. “But I am keener than he is. He wants to wait for a while, to travel before he retires. For me, though, it’s like, I may have a lot of time but he doesn’t have as much time as I have. I want him to be around when our kids are growing up.”

The couple have talked about it, and Brynne would like to make it happen in the next few years. But for now she’s content to play mum to her little dog, Juddy, named after AFL star, Carlton’s Chris Judd.

Read more in this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale June 6, 2011.

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