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Bruce Jenner is “happy that he is moving on with his transition”

Bruce Jenner was the subject of mass media attention over the weekend, as he finally announced that he is transitioning into a woman and sources say he couldn’t be happier.
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In what was a long-awaited and highly anticipated interview, former Olympic gold medallist Bruce Jenner revealed to Diane Sawyer that he is transgendered.

“Yes. For all intents and purposes, I am a woman. My brain is much more female than it is male,” Bruce said in the interview that aired over the weekend.

Sources close to the reality star told People magazine, “Bruce seems very happy that the interview finally aired.”

They added: “He is overwhelmed by all the positive comments on social media following the interview.”

The magazine reports another source said “He feels very good” about helping other people facing gender identity issues and he is on a “mission” to fight discrimination.

According to the source, “He also seems very happy that he is moving forward with his transition” and the former Kardashian patriarch is more comfortable with his new life.

“He leaves the house wearing lip gloss and nail polish. He seems more confident, relaxed and definitely more happy,” the source explained.

Despite the ongoing transition, sources say “More and more, certainly in private, he is living as a woman… he is more comfortable with who he is now than ever before.”

Bruce, who is yet to reveal his female identity and in the meantime would prefer to be referred to as “he”, received a huge amount of support for his decision to come out as transgender.

Step-daughter Kim Kardashian has been her father figure’s biggest supporter, but she admitted in a preview of an upcoming interview with US program Today that it’s a “hard adjustment,” she added that her family all “really support him.”

Kim also said that they are in “family therapy” and it’s believed that will go into further detail about how the family is adjusting in the pre-recorded interview that is due to air in the States today.

The interview, watched by almost 17 million people is being hailed by transgender support groups as historic and lifesaving.

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