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Brave Patrick Swayze fights back

The actor refuses to let his devastating cancer diagnosis defeat him.

Patrick Swayze is determined to fight on as he wages a desperate battle against pancreatic cancer. His condition is so critical he’s been undergoing experimental treatments in a last-ditch bid to save his life.

Flying between his secluded ranch and Stanford University’s Cancer Center on his private plane with wife Lisa Niemi, Patrick — who is refusing to give up his reported three-packet-a-day smoking habit — is living as normally as possible, despite the graveness of his situation.

His heartbroken 81-year-old mother Patsy Swayze says her son is taking comfort from the wave of love and support he has received from family and fans.

“He doesn’t deserve to get this!” said a devastated Patsy in an exclusive interview. “He just doesn’t deserve it. He’s got such a big heart. He’s been such a good and generous and thoughtful person,” she said, fighting back tears.

“It breaks my heart to know he’s suffering. But he bears it and he’s determined to beat this … he’s getting the best treatment he can.”

Despite weight loss and discomfort, Patrick, 55, is handling the frightening ordeal better than those around him and is always trying to cheer them up, says a family insider.

“Patrick, as usual, is worried more about other people than himself,” a friend told the National Enquirer. “He is watching everyone around him, and if they are upset or crying, he tries to give them hope and encouragement.”

For the full story, see this week’s issue of Woman’s Day (on sale March 17, 2008).

Read more about Patrick’s cancer battle.

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