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Brad Pitt fools fans


Brad Pitt has one of the most recognisable faces in the world, but thanks to some new facial hair the Curious Case of Benjamin Button star is working on a disguise.

Stepping out with a new beard, it’s unclear whether the movie star was trying to fool his fans or is practising for a possible role as a pirate.

But the grey beaded beard seems to have taken his scruffy look a little too far.

Brad’s beard was part of his Halloween costume when he dressed up as DJ Lance Rock from the children’s TV show Yo Gabba Gabba!

But it seems the star has become fond of his new facial hair. He arrived at Narita International Airport in Tokyo, Japan, yesterday and still had the overgrown beard, the UK’s Daily Mail reported.

To top off the hippy look, the beard has been separated into two small ponytails.

The 46-year-old completed his casual scruffy look with large aviator sunglasses and a knitted beanie.

Brad arrived in Japan without partner Angelina Jolie or their six young children and managed to slip past a group of waiting fans unnoticed.

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