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Brad and Ange torn apart

Brad and Ange torn apart

The couple’s bickering puts their wedding in jeopardy as their frustrations reach boiling point.

As an exhausted Brad Pitt stalked into his London home and dropped his bag on the first available surface, all he could think about was putting his feet up and forgetting the stresses of the day with a glass of red wine. But no sooner had he slipped off his shoes when his fiancée Angelina Jolie started in on him about the biggest source of contention in their relationship — her clash with his mother.

Ange’s history with Jane Pitt has been long and fraught, with the pair taking opposing views on everything, from religion to child-raising and even Brad’s ex-wife, Jennifer Aniston. Their underlying tension has now come to a head over Jane’s views against same-sex marriage — a cause Angelina, 37, has openly crusaded.

And far from apologising, Jane reportedly offered Ange a gift of a personalised Bible in lieu of the traditional olive branch. “Ange hit the roof!” a source tells Woman’s Day. “She says she’s not having anyone with far-right political views anywhere near her children.” Another source close to Brad adds, “Jane and Ange never really got along, especially since Jane adored Jennifer and stayed in touch with her for a few years after the split. I can see that body language between them every time we all dine together at one of Brad’s homes.”

But as much as Angelina dislikes her future mother-in-law, she’s not about to tell her. “When Ange is upset at Jane, she rages at Brad, not at Jane herself, since they all have to get along to some degree,” explains a family insider. “Poor Brad is the one who gets an earful.” And unfortunately for the 48-year-old star, he’s reportedly copping it from both sides. “Jane told him she didn’t think he should be marrying Angelina because she is ‘immoral, unfaithful, and can’t be trusted’,”another close insider claims.

Read more about Brad and Ange’s, including why Brad isn’t so laid back anymore, in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday August 6, 2012.

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