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Bobbi Kristina Brown’s family handed tough decision of when to let go

Bobbi Kristina life support coma

Bobbi Kristina Brown’s lack of response as she remains in a critical condition in hospital means her family have been handed the ultimate tough decision as they prepare for the worst.

“It’s now a matter of when the family wants to let go and accept that she’s pretty much not going to make it,” a source told FOX News.

“They’ve left it up to the family as to how long they want to keep her alive.”

The 21-year-old remains in hospital after being found unconscious and submerged in water in her bathtub at her Georgia home, just one week shy of the three year anniversary of her mother’s death.

Bobby Brown is reportedly remaining hopeful and rallying others to stay positive as he refuses to contemplate the worst-case scenario. Bobby earlier released a statement regarding his daughter’s condition after she was rushed to hospital, requesting privacy for the family.

“Please allow for our family to deal with this matter and give Bobbi Kristina the love and support she needs at this time.”

Bobbi Kristina’s family have moved her from North Fulton hospital to nearby Emory Hospital, where she remains in a critical condition.

Bobbi Kristina was found by her partner (previously believed to be her husband) Nick Gordon and a friend just before 10:20am. It is unknown how long she spent without oxygen. Nick immediately started CPR and called emergency services that are treating the incident as a medical investigation.

While initial reports suggested that no drugs had been found at the premises, when police returned to conduct a further search, illicit substances were found.

The Daily Star has also reported that doctors have told Bobbi Kristina’s family that only a miracle can save her.

“She lost oxygen to her brain for too long. She’s not going to be able to recover,” a nurse at the North Fulton hospital said.

Bobbi Kristina has given a ‘minimal response’ since being admitted to hospital, following new tests of her brain activity by moving her eyes. But her condition is still not good, with doctors saying a full recovery would be a miracle.

Her loved ones, including her inconsolable father Bobby Brown, have remained by her bedside since the incident on February 1.

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