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Bobbi Kristina Brown’s boyfriend Nick Gordon leaves rehab

A month-and-a-half after checking into rehab, Bobbi Kristina Brown’s boyfriend Nick Gordon has left the treatment centre.

According to a source speaking to People Magazine, the 25-year-old is taking refuge at his mother Michelle Gordon’s home as he eagerly awaits word on whether he’ll be permitted to visit his ill partner.

“He is very distraught over what is going on. He really wants to see her. He is upset about a lot of things: her being sick, him never getting respect [from her family],” an insider explained to the publication.

Nick checked into a facility after appearing on The Dr. Phil Show and coming clean about his battle with drugs.

Following his stint in rehab, Nick tweeted on Tuesday: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change The courage to change the things I can And the wisdom to know the difference.”

Tragically, Nick has been locking horns with both the Houston and Brown camps since the 22-year-old was found unresponsive in her Georgia home three months ago and hasn’t been able to visit her in hospital.

A bed-side vigil has been set up at the DeKalb Medical Center in Decatur, Georgia, where Bobbi is now based.

Earlier in the month Bobbi Kristina’s father revealed his daughter had finally woken up, was off life supprort and was looking at him but her grandmother, Cissy Houston, painted a bleaker picture.

“I have just returned from visiting my granddaughter Bobbi Kristina in the hospital and while she is no longer in a medically induced coma she has a tracheotomy and according to the doctors she has global and irreversible brain damage and remains unresponsive,” Cissy said in a statement to People Magazine.

“Meeting with the doctors and understanding that she can live in this condition for a lifetime truly saddens me. We can only trust in God for a miracle at this time. Keep us in your prayers.”

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