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Blue Wiggle Anthony: My walk against cruelty

By Jacqui Lang

Pictures: Paul Lovelace

Anthony Field talks exclusively to Woman’s Day about the Million Paws Walk.

As the host of RSPCA Animal Rescue, Anthony Field knows first-hand just how important the RSPCA’s work can be. That’s why he’s excited to be involved in their Million Paws Walk…

In showbiz, they say animals and kids are the toughest to work with — you do both. Which is more of a challenge?

Animals, for sure! Doing a photo shoot with animals can be impossible. I’ve worked with directors who say “make the dog look into the camera”. They seem to forget an animal has a mind of its own.

This is your third season of RSPCA Animal Rescue. You must enjoy the challenge?

I just believe in the cause. The RSPCA is such a wonderful organisation, full of dedicated, selfless people. So much goes on behind the scenes that we never get to read about.

Like what?

I’ve seen close-up the work the inspectors do, and it breaks your heart to learn how cruel people can be to animals. But it’s inspiring to see what RSPCA workers manage to do, often without any recognition. They’re heroes.

Ever shed a tear?

All the time. You can’t help getting involved with the stories.

Any memorable moments?

One of the weirdest was a guy who kept an ostrich in his hotel room! If it weren’t so tragic it would have been funny.

It’s different from entertaining kids in a blue skivvy…

I had always wanted to do something away from The Wiggles, but it had to be the right project — something with integrity and subject matter I cared about.

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