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Blanket Jackson receives bizarre public message from Grandfather Joseph Jackson

Blanket's Grandfather says the boy is, "a lot like Michael."
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Prince Michael “Blanket” Jackson II, or Bigi as he now prefers to be called, is the third child of Michael Jackson and rarely seen in the public eye.

The 15-year-old and younger sibling of Paris Jackson allegedly lives alone in an LA mansion.

It’s all a little concerning, especially in the light of a new public message his Grandfather Joseph Jackson shared on Twitter.

In the message 89-year-old, Joe Jackson says:

“Hello, Blanket! This is Joe Jackson,” he starts, which we can only assume is information Blanket already knows.

“Your health is… I don’t know what. You’re like your father. Now I understand why your father had you wear masks all the time ‘cause news people was bothering him so much and so, he tried to disguise you as much as possible… But I want you to stay healthy.”

“Tell all your brothers I said hello, and I want you to stay clean and healthy,” Joe says to the camera.

While this may all seem a little (VERY) strange, there are some pretty good words of wisdom in Grandpa Joe’s message.

As well as staying clean and healthy, Joe advises Blanket to watch a lot of movies.

“Good movies of course,” he makes a point to clarify.

Finally, the 89-year-old finishes by telling Blanket to be, “good tough” like himself, because he’ll live a long time.

The family has reportedly voiced concern over Blanket’s living arrangements, and it’s rumored that his guardian and grandmother, Katherine Jackson has not seen her grandson in a few months.

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