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Bachelor drama! Blake Garvey slams Laurina Fleure

The controversial bachelor slams ex-contestant, Laurina Fleure, following comments that he and ex Louise Pillidge were “exploiting themselves."
Blake Garvey and Laurina Fleure

It seems that the drama never stops for Australia’s controversial bachelor, Blake Garvey.


Earlier this week, it was announced that the real estate auctioneer and the show’s second runner-up, Louise Pillidge, were calling it quits on their unconventional relationship after 18 months together.

Speaking of their split, Laurina Fleure, an outspoken contestant from the series turned TV personality, had some things to say.

“I think that Blake and Louise posing for a photo and tell-all about their break-up is exploiting of themselves,” the brunette beauty said to Mail Online.

“Not very tasteful milking the last drop of publicity, but probably indicative of the type of relationship they were in,” she added.


Through all the backlash, Blake and Louise put on a untied front.

Now, Blake – who first proposed to radio host, Sam Frost, before breaking up with her and picking second runner-up Louise – has hit back at Laurina, calling her “hypocritical.”

“It seems a bit pot-calling-kettle-black when she’s talking about milking publicity,” he told KIIS FM in an interview with Kyle and Jackie O. “Didn’t she go on that show in the jungle?”

Blake was, of course, referring to Laurina’s six weeks spent in the South African jungle as a contestant on the realty TV show, I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here!


But considering that Blake participated in the reality show The Celebrity Apprentice last year, we’re a tad confused as to where all the cattiness is coming from!

Since the show’s end, Laurina became a TV presenter and style icon.

Following the wrap up of the show’s second season, the 31-year-old beauty previously hit out at the former bachelor, saying that it would have been “soul destroying” to end up with him.

“Ending up with Blake would have been soul destroying,” she said to NW Magazine at the time.


“He had lots of ideas as to what a woman should be, and it’s perfect that he ended up with Louise, because she is the cookie-cutter ideal of what a woman and a wife should be,” she went on.

WATCH: Blake and Louise speak out on their split in the video player below. Post continues…

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Blake and Louise, although separated, are still living together in Perth.


Speaking out in an interview about their split to Today Tonight, the couple confessed that despite three months of counselling; they simply could not make it work.

“We love each other so much,” Blake explained.

“We’ve got so much respect for each other; we’ve been through the worst of the worst when it comes to it. I can’t think of many couples who have been that scrutinized and the bond that that has formed between us has been amazing.”

Although separated, Blake and Louise are still living together.


While Blake initiated the break-up, the pair insists that it was mutual.

“Yes, it is. But I am very sad that is has happened this way,” said Louise through tears when asked if the breakup was amicable.

Watch Bachelor Blake and Sam Frost’s breakup interview in the video player below…

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