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Benedict Cumberbatch awarded CBE from Queen

The actor used the occasion to raise further awareness for Syrian refugees

Legions of Benedict Cumberbatch fans have yet another reason to idolise the actor, who was yesterday awarded a CBE from the Queen and used the opportunity to further raise awareness for Syrian refugees, the Daily Mail reports.

Joined by his wife Sophie Hunter, the British star of Sherlock discussed the plight of asylum seekers who are drowning of the coast of Lesbos.

“As a new father, to see the footage and the photos that came to us in the summer, I think every single one of us with a heart realised this wasn’t someone else’s problem somewhere else – this was all our problem,” Cumberbatch told reporters after the ceremony.

The Oscar-nominated actor has also been appealing to theatre audiences during his run as Hamlet at the Barbican Centre in London.

Asked whether he minded receiving ‘flak’ for his on-stage appeals, Cumberbatch replied, “I don’t think I have. If I have that’s news to me and that is not the news I’m interested in.”

“I’m interested in trying to raise awareness and help people who are in far worse positions than an actor being criticised for doing something other than his job.”

And while the majority of feedback concerning Cumberbatch’s CBE (a Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire that is one class lower than a Knight or Dame) has been positive, deputy leader of UKIP Paul Nuttall said Buckingham Palace was not the place to “vent your political spleen.”

“It is very easy for people like Benedict Cumberbatch living in luvvieland to say we should take more refugees from Syria when in fact they will never ever come into contact with them.”

Something tells us Benedict Cumberbatch CBE will pay no mind.

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