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Believe it or not: Bizarre celebrity rituals

Believe it or not: Bizarre celebrity health and beauty rituals

Diamond and ruby facial

Mila Kunis is a fan of this facial which will set you back $7000. The procedure uses tiny precious stones as antioxidants for the skin. Celebrity aesthetician Scott-Vincent Borba let slip that she had it done before the Golden Globes in 2007.

“I always do [this on] her skin, neck, décolleté, arms, and the back of her hands,” Borba told InStyle magazine. “Anything that will be possibly showing with her dress.”

Simon Cowell

Simon Cowell recently opened up to the US edition of men’s magazine GQ about his strange rituals. The X Factor judge says he gets a weekly vitamin kick from an intravenous drip where vitamin B12, magnesium and vitamin C are pumped into his bloodstream. The procedure is administrated by a nurse.

“Even when I’m having a viewing session with producers, she just sticks the needle in me and we carry on whatever we are doing,” he said.

As if that wasn’t strange enough, he also said he loves climbing trees. “I climb trees daily. It’s like a ritual.”

Evian water bath

Who would spend $5000 on a simple bath? Serena Williams that’s who!

She was one of the first guests to try the Evian water bath treatment, known as the Evian Experience available at Hotel Victor in Miami. The treatment involves a bath filled with litres of Evian water and gerbera flowers.

Cow brain ointment

Mel Gibson uses an ointment made from cow’s brains to help him concentrate on winning while playing poker.

B12 injections

How do you get an instant energy boost? Just ask Madonna who introduced Justin Timberlake to regular B12 injections.

Timberlake has explained the story saying that he began to feel sick while rehearsing with Madge. That’s when she pulled out a Ziploc bag of B12 syringes from her purse and asked him to pull his pants down.

“I don’t know what you say to that, so I immediately dropped my pants,” he said. “She gave me a shot in my a– and looks at me and says, ‘Nice top shelf.’ That was one of the greatest days of my life.”

Placenta face cream

Eva Longoria is a fan of EMK placental cream which comes from botanicals that mimic the nutrients found in human placenta. It retails for $90 and promises to restore the properties of the skin.

Bird poo facial

Victoria Beckham is a fan of the geisha facial otherwise known as the bird poo facial. The treatment which costs $180 for 60 minutes is available at the Shizuka New York Day Spa in NYC.

The facial promises to brighten, nourish and soften complexion.

Leech therapy

Demi Moore once told David Letterman that she is a fan of leech therapy. She said the treatment used trained medical leeches to rid the body of toxins.

“I’ve always been somebody looking for the cutting edge of things that are for optimising your health and healing, so just a week ago I was in Austria doing a cleanse and part of the treatment was leech therapy,” she said.

Snake venom facials

Gwyneth Paltrow uses creams packed with bee sting venom and snake venom which is said to have wrinkle-busting qualities.

Coffee grounds body wash

Halle Berry is a fan of adding coffee grounds to her body wash. The actress says it helps to smooth her skin and prevents the appearance of cellulite.

Vinegar shots

Fergie takes two tablespoons of organic apple cider (the unfiltered variety) daily and says it has had an impact on her stomach.

The shot flushes out toxins in the body and assists the body to digest food.

Caviar face cream

Angelina Jolie on the other hand opts for a more expensive beauty regime, caviar face cream.

Retailing at $710 for 100ml, the cream contains the eggs of Siberian sturgeon, which helps moisturise and firm the skin.

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