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Bec’s personal triumph: I’m finally free!

It seems Bec Hewitt has finally washed her hands clean and turned over a new leaf, overcoming her long time battle with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

The blonde beauty realised her new confidence when she walked into her home and laughed at the “disturbing” sight of her three children’s toys scattered around the house and a kitchen in need of a clean.

“There was a time when this would have reduced her to tears,” explains one close friend, who says happy-go-lucky Bec has been driven to the point of despair in the past because of her obsession with order and cleanliness.

“The fact that she was able to say, ‘leave it’ was incredible because usually Bec can’t stand to see one thing out of place. Everything needs to be perfect in her home – no small task when you have three young children!”

Bec, 31, has sought help for her OCD from doctors and alternative therapists, but has only recently started to conquer her demons.

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“I’m definitely obsessive compulsive,” she told Australian Women’s Weekly last year.

“It’s the way I do things. I do that repetition thing. Having kids has definitely helped because you can’t live in a picture-perfect house.”

Friends say as Lleyton’s tennis career slowly winds down, Bec has felt under less pressure and is slowly becoming her bubbly self again.

“She looks happier and more relaxed every time I see her,” shares one friend.

Meanwhile, the tragic death of Aussie cricketer Phillip Hughes left Bec’s husband, tennis ace Lleyton Hewitt, shattered and he is still trying to come to terms with the loss of a mate.

“Lleyton really felt shaken up as he knew Phil quite well through athlete circles,” shares a family friend.

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The friend says Lleyton “doesn’t handle personal tragedy very well as is not a talker” so this puts extra pressure on Bec.

“Bec tries to heal him by talking constantly and second guessing his thoughts and feelings and ends up making him clam up more,” she says. “She’s not sure what else to do though or how to get him to open up and move past it.”

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