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Bec’s marriage meltdown

Stress, boredom and the loss of a successful, glamorous career have many wondering how long the pair will last …

For years she was a successful actress and star in her own right. Now Bec Hewitt is reportedly struggling to find happiness in her isolated and sometimes lonely life as a tennis wife and mum.

The 24-year-old has been confiding in friends about the pressures of being a full-time mum and wife, with those close to her fearing that her loneliness, boredom and isolation could cause her to crack — and maybe even destroy the marriage she so treasures.

“She loves Lleyton to bits and wants to make him happy, but she does complain that it’s all a one-way street. Bec loved working on Home And Away, she’s a hard worker — but now she’s just bored,” says a close friend of Bec.

Read the full story in this week’s Woman’s Day (on-sale January 7, 2008)

Your say: Would you like to see Bec return to TV?

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