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Bec Hewitt forced to leave Australia

The Hewitt clan are relocating to a tropical tax haven, leaving Bec more isolated than ever. Angela Mollard investigates.

Bec Hewitt has to say goodbye to Australia and start a new life thousands of kilometres away from her family and friends.

After three years of dragging her family around the world following her husband Lleyton Hewitt‘s attempts to regain his former tennis glory, Bec, 25, is now faced with the task of setting up a new base in the Bahamas.

For years, Bec and daughter Mia, 3, struggled with exhausting long-haul flights and constant jet lag, but the birth of son Cruz, now six months, has forced the family to make moves to reduce the strain.

Lleyton’s manager David Drysdale confirmed to Woman’s Day that the couple had bought a home in the luxurious tax haven in February so they could be closer to tennis tournaments in the US and Europe.

While there are enormous financial benefits to living in the Bahamas, where John Travolta, Nicolas Cage, Mariah Carey and Bill Gates also have homes, Woman’s Day can reveal that the move comes at a huge price for Bec, who is extremely close to her family.

In the past, Bec has resorted to asking her brother Shaun to travel with her for company and to help her with the kids. Bec looks forward to spending a lot of time with her parents Darrel and Michele and sister Kristy when she’s in Sydney.

Although friends say the former Home And Away star is devoted to Lleyton and wants to make the kids’ lives easier, they fear she’ll feel isolated and homesick living in a cloistered celebrity playground.

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