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Bec and Lleyton’s seven year battle is over

Bec and Lleyton's seven year battle is over

No matter how Lleyton Hewitt fares at the Australian Open, his wife will be on top knowing she’ll soon move back home.

When Bec Hewitt cheers on her husband Lleyton at the Australian Open later this month, it will not be the nerve-racking experience it has been in previous years. In fact, she will still be smiling broadly, even if he loses. As the couple reach the seven-year mark in their marriage – a time when most relationships are put to the test – Bec has told friends she is the happiest she has ever been because, at last, Lleyton is retiring from professional tennis and giving her the life she has always wanted, raising their three children back home in Australia.

Despite her husband’s past success, it hasn’t all been easy for the former Home And Away starlet. In fact, after seven years of frequent travel with young kids and being based in the Bahamas – where she has no friends or family – Bec was miserable and desperate for Lleyton to retire from competition tennis. Matters were made worse by pressing financial pressure from failed business ventures, an ugly court case and Lleyton’s flagging performance on court.

However, his promise to Bec that he will announce his retirement shortly and move back to Sydney has changed everything. The couple are back on track, madly in love, and excited about what the future holds. And while that new life will mean fewer first-class flights and luxury hotels, that suits down-to-earth Bec just fine. “Bec won’t miss the five-star life one bit,” reveals a close friend of the actress.

“Any time she’s in exclusive boutiques in London or Paris, she’s just keeping someone else company or killing time. Her tastes are fairly simple. “She loves nothing better than browsing the chain stores of Castle Towers mall in Sydney with the kids in tow – and she’s always emphatic about not needing or wanting any more jewellery than her engagement ring, her Chanel earrings, and her precious diamond ‘L’ necklace. She’s happy with who and where she is in life.”

Read more about Bec and Lleyton’s new life at home in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale January 16, 2012.

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