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Bec and Lleyton’s public meltdown

Bec and Lleyton exchange angry words in France.

Displaying a rare show of public emotion, Bec Hewitt let her tennis pro husband have it as they walked in Paris recently.

The couple had a heated argument as they headed down a busy shopping street — just days before Lleyton was knocked out of the French Open. Bec, a showbiz veteran who rarely lets down her guard in public, lost her sunny smile as the normally affectionate pair had what looked like a bitter row.

The strain turned to fury when Lleyton took a call on his mobile while Bec was speaking to him. Their feud was still obvious later on as Bec pushed two-year-old Mia’s stroller at a distance from her glowering husband.

In a radio interview in Sydney last month, Bec claimed to love being on tour with her husband because it meant her little family was kept together and, true to form, she packed up the family once again to be with Lleyton, 27, as he trained hard to win a place on the European claycourt circuit.

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale June 9).

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