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Bec and Lleyton’s baby joy

Already known as the Aussie Posh and Becks, the celebrity couple go one step further and name their baby boy Cruz.

Bec and Lleyton Hewitt were given a wonderful early Christmas present with the birth of a gorgeous baby boy, after the former actress went into a surprise early labour.

Bec, 25, and Lleyton, 27, welcomed baby Cruz on December 11, a good three weeks before Bec’s scheduled due date.

“All are doing well and are very excited about the new addition to the family,” the couple announced last week.

“It’s great, especially a boy. Everybody wanted a boy,” Lleyton’s grandfather Max Hewitt told Sydney newspaper, The Daily Telegraph.

Bec appeared to be expecting a premature birth, revealing last month that she was already considering an early arrival.

“You just don’t know if it’s going to be a middle of the night labour, or if it’s going to be daytime, or am I going to be out and about and my water breaks,” a nervous Bec mused.

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale December 22).

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