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Ange’s men show the love

Angelina Jolie

The actress’s dad and brother join her and Brad at the premiere of her new movie, and the night turns into a family love-in.

F ar from casting a shadow over their “all too perfect lives”, a new tell-all from Andrew Morton seems to have spurred Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt on to re-ignite their passion, judging by their red carpet antics at the premiere of Ange’s new film, Salt.

Radiant and clearly still smitten with Brad, Ange, 35, seemed oblivious to both criticism and the adoration of her screaming fans outside Hollywood’s Chinese Theatre. And Brad, 46, is clearly just as much in love, stroking her hair, affectionately patting her bottom and nuzzling into her neck.

But Ange had two other reasons to look so happy. Her 71-year-old actor dad Jon Voight – with whom she had a long-running feud – and brother James Haven, 37, showed up on the red carpet together to support her.

Jon and James smiled and posed for the cameras, before Ange’s proud dad admitted he worries about her doing her own stunts, and declared “That’s my girl!” when checking out posters showing her in character, with steely glare.

The men then ducked inside the theatre to let Ange enjoy the spotlight. Later the whole family sat together to watch the flick,but at the after-party, the closeness between Ange, Brad, John and James was even more obvious.

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