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Angelina Jolie wants baby number 7

Angelina Jolie wants baby number 7

If Ange has her way, the Brangie Bunch could soon be expanding – but Brad’s not ready for more kids..

Their home’s already bursting at the seams with six energetic kids, two weary adults and a small army of helpers. But despite the fact she’s well and truly got her hands full with those already in her care, Angelina Jolie is said to be desperate to adopt a seventh child. And soon.

Her craving for another child kicked into gear during a recent visit to an orphanage in Namibia. According to onlookers, it was her and partner Brad Pitt’s eldest daughter, Zahara, who fell in love with a five-year-old girl, telling her mum that if they adopted her she’d “fit right in at home”.

This request for a little sister who “looks just like me” got the actress thinking. “Ange says Zahara has fantastic maternal instincts for a six-year-old,” a close source tells US magazine In Touch.

“She told Brad, ‘We need to bring home another child very soon’.” But Angelina’s impulsive plan has been met with resistance from Brad, 47, who thinks adding a seventh child to their packed-to-the-rafters “platoon”, as he calls their tribe, would be a mistake.

Not only does he think it will put pressure on their already stretched family time, but with Brad about to begin filming the movie Cogan’s Trade in New Orleans, and Ange, 35, starting post-production on the film she directed, the timing couldn’t be worse.

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