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After a horror year, it’s baby joy for the Newtons

The Newtons: 'The little miracle we needed!'

Following a difficult year, the famous showbiz clan has reason to celebrate. They share their exciting news.

A smile is making its way across Bert Newton’s famous moon-face – an infectious grin that instantly lights up his features and the faces of those around him. The entertainment legend’s blue eyes twinkle as he reflects on the most joyous of news while watching his grandchildren, Eva, 2, and Sam, 3, excitedly blow bubbles in the air – he’s going to be a grandfather again. After what has undoubtedly been a harrowing year for one of Australia’s best-known families, Bert and the rest of the tight-knit Newton clan are preparing to welcome a new life into the world.

Bert and Patti’s daughter Lauren, 32, and her former swim champ husband Matt Welsh, 34, are expecting their third child next March. And nothing, it’s abundantly clear, could make them happier. “I’m really thrilled,” Bert says. “It’s almost like going into a show that you know is a success – because we’ve already got two of the most beautiful grandchildren. To think that another one is on the way is wonderful. “These two grandkids have brought something into Patti’s and my life that is just so special. If you’ve had a hard day or if you’re working hard… just to get back and hear them say, ‘We’ve missed you, Poppy’, is the highlight of my life.”

“These simple pleasures are what we enjoy,” agrees Patti. “Because of that, we couldn’t be more pleased with this third pregnancy. “With your grandchildren, really all you need to do is just be there when they hurt their knee and give them love. And how could you not love this face?” asks Patti, beaming down at her adorable granddaughter, now playing happily at her feet. Having been in the public eye for most of their lives, Patti and Bert know all too well there will be times when the spotlight can be anything but welcome. Certainly, that was the case on occasion in the past year, with the pair’s actor son Matthew, 34.

“It’s a day at a time, but he [Matthew] is very excited about my news,” Lauren reveals. “He loves being an uncle. He adores Sam and Eva.” Life became tougher still for the Newtons in June this year when Bert, still treading the boards at 73 in the hit stage musical Wicked, was admitted to the intensive care unit of a Melbourne hospital suffering from a severe bout of pneumonia. “He was pretty sick,” recalls Lauren. “It definitely was a tough time, but you just get through it. Mum’s very strong. And even being as sick as Dad was, I brought the kids in to see him in intensive care and he still did his performance and showed them how the bed went up and down and played games for them with his oxygen mask.” Bert now chuckles at his illness. “I didn’t realise until I came through it how serious it was – when I got the green light from one of the 19 doctors looking after me.”

Read more about the Newton family’s baby joy in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale October 24, 2011.

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