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Accidentally a star


She is best known for the catchy pop tune ‘Accidentally Kelly Street’, but Jackie Brygel discovers singer Angie Hart is more than a one-hit wonder.

As the lead singer of hit ’90s pop band Frente!, Angie Hart toured the globe and hit the headlines for everything from posing near-nude for a magazine cover to making an appearance on Home and Away.

More than a decade later, Angie reveals her life couldn’t be more different from the frenetic days with the indie group and it’s wildly successful single ‘Accidentally Kelly Street’.

Now the Melbourne-based solo artist has just released her latest album, Eat My Shadow, and is preparing for an Australian tour. The 37-year-old is also loving being a newlywed.

“My husband is not a musician,” Angie says. “His name’s Blair Pearce and he’s a management consultant. He’s got a good business head — which is great for when I bring contracts home. I’ve got someone to read them for free! He’s also learnt so much so quickly about the music industry.”

Angie reveals her new hubby, whom she met at a party in Melbourne and hopes to start a family with in the near future, couldn’t be more supportive.

“That’s the wonderful thing about being a little bit older,” she says. “The day that we decided to get together, we pretty much laid it all out on the table. We knew we were going to be together forever, so there were no games.”

Angie admits that these days she looks back on her time with Frente! with a sense of bewilderment.

“I don’t really know how it happened. It was one of those wonderful times when indie pop got a look-in for a second,” she says.

“I wouldn’t be doing music today if it wasn’t for that. It really made my career.”

That said, Angie confesses she’s more than happy to have swapped a non-stop life on the road for a more homely existence.

“I’ve got a bit of tour phobia these days,” Angie says, chuckling.

“I have just started travelling overseas again now and I am getting a little bit more of a taste for it again. But I like having family around,” she says.

“I lived in Los Angeles for about nine years, but I’ve always been a Melbourne girl. I did enjoy my time in the US, but I’m very Australian. I felt a bit out of step all the time over there.”

And Angie couldn’t be happier with her latest recording effort, Eat My Shadow, which features collaborations with Mark Seymour and Ben Lee.

“I had the courage to strip it back and let the songs speak for themselves,” she reflects.

Angie Hart’s new album, Eat My Shadow is out now.

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