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Abuse scandal – Oprah’s school crisis

Oprah Winfrey has been rocked by claims that a dorm matron at her South African school sexually abused and bashed students — dredging up terrible memories of her own childhood abuse.

Generous Oprah, 53, is so upset by the allegations and repeated criticisms of her school, that she has flown to South Africa twice in the past fortnight for crisis meetings at the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls, and to confront angry parents.

“Nothing is more serious or devastating to me than the allegation of misconduct by an adult against any girl at the academy,” she announced in a statement.

The stressed-out star has taken a hard-lined approach to the allegations — dismissing the dorm manager and hiring a team of US investigators to work with South African police to look into the claims…

Read the full story in this week’s Woman’s Day (on-sale October 29)

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