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A Grandmother’s Influence

Evergreen Falls is the captivating new novel from Kimberley Freeman.
The new novel 'Evergreen Falls' by author Kimberly Freeman


Advertorial written by Kimberley Freeman author of Evergreen Falls.

It was from this memoir that I developed the story Evergreen Falls. Grandma wrote about how she started work at 14 and she waitressed in luxury hotels in and around Sydney in the 1920s.

She wrote about the famous people that she served dinner to: film stars and politicians and beauty queens. For example, she wrote about waiting on Dame Nellie Melba, who she described as having a beautiful voice but a sharp tongue.

And she wrote in such rich detail about the dresses that she bought and wore and saw; in fact every dress grandma describes in the memoir is in my book!

But there was one story in particular that stood out. At dinner one night were a young man and woman, the children of a rich grazing family, and the young woman was twisting the rope of pearls she wore until the string broke and the pearls scattered everywhere.

So Grandma got down on the floor to help pick them up and so did the young woman’s brother. Their eyes met under the table, but in Grandma’s version of events, that’s the end of the story. She gave back the pearls and went back to waitressing. In my story, it’s the very start of the story…

A long-forgotten secret, a scandalous attraction and a place where two women’s lives are changed forever – Evergreen Falls is the captivating new novel from Kimberley Freeman.

Available now. Find out more.

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