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For alternative health solutions for everyday problems, ask Pamela Allardice.


I regularly experience waves of nausea, anything up to three or four times a day. They don’t seem related to anything unusual that I’ve done or eaten, and I’m not pregnant. Can you please give me some advice?**

Sara B., via email.

Nausea is the unpleasant feeling of needing to vomit. It can be caused by a number of factors, including food or chemical poisoning, various infections and diseases, emotional stress, and problems with the inner ear. If you suffer badly from nausea, it’s important to get a proper medical diagnosis, as detailed questioning, examination and tests may be needed to establish the cause. For fast relief, take ginger tea, ginger beer, ginger tablets or capsules, or crystallised ginger. You can also try inhaling a few drops of peppermint oil, dabbed on a hanky or tissue, and wearing Sea-Bands (available from your pharmacy), which stimulate an acupressure point on the wrist and reduce nausea and travel sickness.

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