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60 seconds with Sonia Kruger

Sonia Kruger models for The Weekly in December

Dancing with the Stars presenter, ballroom dancer Tina Sparkle in the Aussie smash hit movie Strictly Ballroom, entertainment reporter and all-round Australian icon, Sonia Kruger talks to The Weekly in our 60 second celebrity grill!

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

My inability to take anything seriously.

All-time favourite film?

Anything starring Paris Hilton … cinematic genius.

What food can’t you live without OR favourite comfort food?

High GI products.

What’s the one thing that always cheers you up when you’re having a bad day?

Larry Emdur.

How do you stay healthy?

Dettol instant hand sanitiser

What’s your motto in life?

Tanned fat is still fat.

Favourite thing to do on a lazy Sunday morning?

Make my way home?

What is your favourite Australian Women’s Weekly memory or cover?

Ita Buttrose in the ‘Snuggle Pot and Cuddlepie’ Jenny Kee knit circa 1982.

What are you reading at the moment?


What do you wish you had more time to do?


What did you aspire to be as a child?


What’s your best attribute?

An overactive thyroid.

**What’s your favourite recipe from the Women’s Weekly website?

The green payaya salad.**

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