Scars can serve as memories of the past that remind us of incidents we otherwise would prefer to forget.
In a world filled with unsustainable beauty standards, they can also make us feel insecure or hyper-aware of a body part we wouldn’t have obsessed over otherwise.
On Monday, actor Madeline West decided to honour her scars by sharing an emotional post about reopening a wound she sustained at 19 during a bus accident and how it has forced her to reconcile with her past.
“Never thought I’d find myself back here again….,” she began her Instagram post, which featured a picture of the Playing For Keeps star with a bandage on her forehead.
“It’s been a difficult couple of weeks for me, like most, and after an intense conversation with a friend about how sometimes it’s necessary to knock the scab off, to open up old wounds, to dig out the trauma inside, and drag it into the light in order to truly heal, I rushed inside and straight into the edge of an open cupboard…and managed to split open the 19 year old #scar from the bus accident, and disturb one of the poorly fused skull fractures in the process.”
Madeleine continued her message and remarked that she is still in a bad place over the incident, and it’s been difficult for her to face the past. However, she concluded that she’s attempting to find the positives.
“I’m feeling pretty c**p to be honest … and have found myself revisiting conversations I had with myself about appearance all those years ago. I’m proud of how far I’ve come, but it still begs the question: Is this a #Coincidence or something greater, urging me to dig a little deeper? I guess we will find out. Until then it looks like the #journey continues…,” she finished.

“It’s necessary to knock the scab off, to open up old wounds, to dig out the trauma inside.”
(Credit: Instagram)The 41-year-old’s comment section quickly filled up with supportive messages from her followers.
One fan wrote, “❤️ Hope you heal well! In all ways… Life is circular to remind us there’s no beginning or end, just a continuous revolution of evolution,” and another penned, “Sending Love and Strength To You! 🙌❤️.”
WATCH BELOW: Looking Back with Madeleine West. Post continues after video…
A few hours later, Madeleine followed up her post with another picture of her scar three days after reopening the injury to update her fans and ask for their opinion about her next steps.
“Day 3 and feeling slightly less rubbish…Question now is, do I: A). Seek out a cosmetic surgeon to make it all pretty? B). Continue wearing a bandage and tell people I just had the jab but ‘I think the nurse missed’? (I do love a good #dadjoke) OR C). Have the scar transformed into a killer face Tatt? I’m open to any suggestions 🙏,” she wrote.

Playing for Keeps star Madeleine took off her bandage to reveal her wound.
(Credit: Instagram)The former Neighbours star’s post also struck a chord within Rebecca Gibney, who took to her Instagram to bravely share her own admission about a scar from a home accident.
The Back To The Rafters star shared a recent selfie, followed by pictures of her scar before and after a surgeon stitched it up.
She began her post by honouring Madeline before delving into her own story about her scar.
“A post about scars. I recently saw a post from the divine @madmadswest about an accident she recently had and in her incredibly self deprecating way she talked about what to do with the scar. It reminded me of an accident I had while we were away celebrating Zac’s birthday many years ago. I slipped in a bathroom and gauged a sliver above my left eye. Swipe for evidence!
“I was worried about the scar but luckily I had access to a great surgeon in the Emergency department in Singapore who sewed me up and sent me on my way. “
Rebecca dedicated the remainder of her post to share her strong belief that scars, internal and external, become an integral part of who we are because they tell our life stories with respect for all the journeys we have lived.
“Over the years the scar has become an extension of my laughter lines and reminds me of a life well lived. Our scars are also our best teachers and can be our healers as well.
“If you bear many scars visible or not I hope you know that time can and will heal them. They may never go away but they will fade. Sending love ♥️,” she finished.
In her comments section below the post, the actor’s fans shared their own stories about their injuries which have left a mark.
One fan revealed, “Thank you to both of you for sharing your scars, I’m slowly healing from a recent bike accident and my face scars are healing slowly. ♥️✨♥️.”
Another opened up by posting, “My scars show me every day how much I have been through over the past 4 years to survive. ❤ #movingforward #breastcancer.”