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Kerri-Anne Kennerley shares an encouraging update with her fans after a terrifying accident that left her in hospital

The former Studio 10 star suffered a break to her collarbone.
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Kerri-Anne Kennerley is on the up, we’re pleased to confirm.

Indeed, the TV star and musical muse suffered a devastating break to her collarbone over the New Year period while she was performing on the set of her new on-stage musical, Pippin.

At the time, Kerri-Anne’s fans were understandably terrified as the 67-year-old fell 15 feet off the trapeze and “plunged to the ground”.

The Studio 10 veteran later confirmed she had broken her collarbone and suffered a chip to her ankle following the fall.

But it looks like Kerri-Anne is quickly making progress.

Taking to her Instagram on Monday evening, she shared a picture of herself in an arm cast with her fellow cast-mates, writing: “It was so nice to see my @pippinaustralia family. They have been so supportive and I miss performing with them and being apart of the show.”

In more images, Kerri is seen performing on-stage, and in another she’s joined by two friends near the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

“Thank you for everyone’s well wishes I am truly blessed to have the best fans and friends in the world,” she concluded.

The TV stalwart’s fans wished her all the best in the comments, with one telling her: “Good to see you up and around Kerri Anne,love your strength and determination.”

Another added: “So good to see you on the mend!”

And another fan gave her a message of encouragement: “Strength and health to you KAK. I hope you are back in action soon.”

Kerri-Anne connected with her cast-mates on-set of Pippin.


In an official statement following her accident over New Year’s, Kerri-Anne wrote: “Good riddance to 2020. Pippin has genuinely been one of the great experiences of my life exceeding all my expectations.”

“What happened is just a random misstep in the trapeze and circus world. I’ve always felt safe in their hands but accidents just happen. I was trained well and loved getting stronger and the routine smoother.”

She then confirmed she would be unable to perform for the rest of the show’s duration – a heartbreaking reality for the star, who’d worked so hard on the production.

Kerri-Anne worked hard on the production, but she will be unable to continue the performances.


“I’m devastated that I can’t finish the run. It was just so much fun. I broke my collar bone quite severely and have a slight chip of my ankle bone,” she continued in her statement.

Kerri-Anne plays Grandma Berthe in the stage musical and the TV host previously explained how physically demanding it is.

“In my big number, I have to get on a trapeze and go up 15ft,” she told The Senior.

“I’m helped by a very strapping, hunky trapeze artist and we do several movements including one called The Bird, and one where I have to hang by my feet,” she added.

“It’s a big learning curve and I realise how active and tough this is going to be, but every day there is some improvement.”

Well, she’s not wrong there – Kerri-Anne looks to be looking after herself well with a full-recovery en route.

WATCH: Kerri-Anne Kennerley thanks fans and colleagues for their support on Studio 10:

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