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Girl-in-the-cupboard Natasha: ‘I married the man who hid me’

By Angela Mollard

Pictures: Paul Broben.

The controversial Queenslander ties the knot with the man who went to jail for her.

Natasha Ryan hid from the world for nearly five years, but when it came to marrying the man who’d concealed her, she chose to declare her love out in the open with the sun beaming down on her shoulders.

Under a vast blue sky, the girl who has long been known as “the girl in the cupboard” hopes that by making her union official, she’s finally shedding the label that has haunted her since she was found hiding in a wardrobe five years ago.

As Scott Black slid a tiny gold band, engraved with the words “Happy Days Always” onto her finger, Natasha took a deep breath, and as she exhaled it seemed as if years of pain and recriminations were finally melting away.

Whatever hurt Natasha so badly that she had to vanish at 14, leaving her family to believe she had been murdered, was finally laid to rest as she became the wife of the man who’d lied for her and been imprisoned for her.

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale Oct 13).

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