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From celebrity to real-life hero

From saving people from a house fire to saving extras on a film set, these stars have no problem putting their own life at risk to save others.

From saving people from a house fire to saving extras on a film set, these stars have no problem putting their own life at risk to save others.

From saving people from a house fire to saving extras on a film set, these stars have no problem putting their own life at risk to save others.

Check out the stars who are real life heroes!

Matthew McConaughey helped an unnamed woman after she had a seizure during a screening at the Toronto Film Festival. The actor gave her mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and police who attended the scene not long after said he ultimately saved her life.

In 2001 the movie star was responsible for resuscitating a woman who suffered a seizure during a screening at the Toronto Film Festival. At the time he was praised for saving the woman’s life.

Brad Pitt

While on the set of his new movie World War Z, in 2011 Brad Pitt rushed to the rescue of an extra. While filming an action scene with 700 extras, the woman stumbled and fell during a stampede. Brad stepped in and picked her up moving her out of the way.

In 2008 he also assisted a fan who tripped and fell into the water while he signed autographs in Venice, Italy.

Renee Zellweger

While out with her personal trainer in a remote Californian mountain range in 2004, Renee Zellweger spotted a woman in front of her collapse and fall part way down the steep canyon. Renee risked her own life by sliding down the canyon to help the woman while her trainer went to get help.

Harrison Ford

Indiana Jones star Harrison Ford rescued two hikers in 2000 after responding to a distress call. The pair became sick from the heat, altitude and dehydration during a five-hour climb of 3300m Table Mountain.

The action hero, who sometimes offers his helicopter and rescue skills, landed in a nearby meadow where he picked up and pair and took them to safety.

Johnny Depp

While on the set of his 2008 movie Public Enemy Johnny Depp raced to move a group of extras out of the way of an out-of-control car.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

While holidaying in Hawaii in 2004, Arnold Schwarzenegger saved a drowning man’s life by rescuing him from the surf. He swam out to the man and swam him safely back to the shore.

Kate Winslet

While holidaying on Richard Branson’s private island in 2011, Kate Winslet showed her inner heroine by saving Richard’s mother from a raging fire.

A fire broke out on the island following a lightning strike, causing the wooden house they were staying in to completely catch alight. Thankfully, Kate rescued Mrs Branson carrying her to safety.

Prince William

As a Royal Air Force Sea King helicopter pilot, Prince William was called out to assist hiker Greg Watkins, who was suffering from chest pains while hiking on Snowdon Mountain.

The prince was the hero in the rescue after manoeuvring the 22m-long helicopter through a break in the weather, guiding it to a position that enabled the crew to reach Watkins who was then airlifted to hospital.

Ryan Kwantan

Aussie star Ryan Kwantan was praised for stopping and helping an bloody, injured man lying on a Hollywood street in 2001. He pulled the man to safety and waited with him until paramedics arrived.

Tom Hanks

While walking along Malibu beach in 2002 Tom Hanks heard a drowning man’s screams for help. The actor jumped into the water and helped drag the drowning man to safety.

Vin Diesel

According to reports, back in 2002 Vin Diesel saved an entire family following a bad car accident. He was travelling behind the car on his motorbike before the car crashed and became alight. He was able to rescue the children by pulling them out of the back seat of the car and instructed the driver to crawl out before the car became fully engulfed in flames.

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