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Celebrities behaving badly

Lindsay has failed to attend her last court appearance for DUI, claiming she had lost her passport while in Carnes. The actress is now forced to wear an alcohol-monitoring bracelet and attend regular alcohol education classes.

Mel Gibson has been caught on tape by his ex-girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva in a x-rated racist rant against her. The Braveheart Star hit headlines with the rant in which he threatens to burn down her house.

Super model Naomi Campbell is known for her bad behaviour. She is currently being sued by fragrance marketing company Moodform Mission, for walking out on their contract. The company is claiming she refused to walk up a flight of stairs at a promotion for her perfume line. Read more.

Serial flasher Courtney Love is always in the headlines for her crazy behaviour. She recently took to Twitter and Facebook to publically unleashed some harsh words on her daughter, Frances Bean.

In 2009 it was reported that Jodi regularly paid for private lap dances at a strip club. The former Home and Away star was then reportedly found by police cowering in Sydney gangster Mark Judge’s home after making a triple 0 call under the delusion that armed intruders were threatening her life. Read More.

Charlie Sheen was arrested on charges of domestic violence against his wife Brooke Mueller in December 2009. After posting the $8,500 bond he was released from the Pitkin County, Colorado Jail. Read more.

This picture of Kanye West was reportedly taken at Los Angeles airport seconds before the star let loose and allegedly attacked a paparazzo. The photos were released after the police returned the digital memory card to the victim.

In 1999 Texas police arrested Matthew Mcconaughey with the possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia after a neighbour complained about too much noise coming from his house.

Lady GaGa was snapped giving the bird to photographers and fans at a Mets Baseball game on June 10 and followed it up with more bad behaviour at a Yankes game soon after. Thanks to her “boozy antics” the singer is now permanently banned from the Yankes team clubhouse.

In 2001 Winona Ryder was arrested for stealing $5,500 worth of designer clothes and accessories at a Saks Fifth Avenue department store. During her shoplifting trial she was also accused of using drugs without valid prescriptions.

Hugh Grant was arrested in Los Angeles in 1995 by officers for lewd conduct in a public place with prostitute Divine Brown.

Tiger Woods was accused of having an extramarital affair with nightclub manager Rachel Uchitel in 2009, but no body predicted the extent of his cheating. Tiger has now been romantically linked to at least nine women.

In April 2010 Matthew Newton checked himself into a rehabilitation facility in Melbourne that specialises in drug and alcohol related abuse. In November 2009 he hit headlines after his hotel room at the Vibe Hotel in Sydney’s Rushcutters Bay was found trashed. Read more.

Melrose Place star Heather Locklear was pulled over by a California Highway Patrol officer in 2008 after she was seen driving erratically. Heather was charged with one misdemeanour count of driving under the influence.

Falling pop star Britney Spears is fighting claims that she abused her two sons Sean Preston, 4, and Jayden James, 3. The singer’s former bodyguard Fernando Flores claims that she whipped one of her sons with a belt and forced another to eat food they were allergic to.

Party girl Paris Hilton was recently caught up in reports that she had been detained in South Africa after it was thought she was in possession of marijuana. It was later discovered a friend of Paris was the one detained. Paris then tweeted “I had nothing to do with it…there’s a lot of crazy rumors going around. Just want you all to know the truth. Everything is completely fine.”

Child star Macaulay Culkin had his mug shot taken when he was busted for possession of 17.3g of marijuana which landed him in hot water and some brief jail time.

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